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Monday, 30 March 2009

The 5D MkII - Final Thoughts

I have now been using the 5D Mkii for weddings and general use for four months now and i thought i would let you know what i think finally.

Would i spend £2000 on the camera.?

Ans. No i would buy a 5D for £850 second hand instead.

Is the colour and white balance good for people photography?

Ans. Not as good as the 5D, the skin tones are to cool and lightroom does not like the files
at all. The white balance is weird as are the colours. I like a camera where you do not have to fiddle with images in photoshop to get them right. That camera is the 5D mk1

Do you think the 21mp sensor is the best thing since sliced bread?

The files are to big, and lightroom is having trouble rendering them quickly. I now use the
smaller RAW setting which is 10mp which helps the camera for continuous shooting and lightroom / hard drive space. I shot a wedding recently at 21mp setting and the wedding raw files took up 45 GIG of space. What a waist of time this sensor is for the average wedding photography business. 

Do you ever think you will ever get over the disappointment of spending £2000 on the 5D Mk2?

Yes i have because i have found something it is very good for ( not weddings). Landscape and 
stock photography and commercial photography. I have teamed it up with the Canon 70-200 2.8 L lens and have found what it can really do. I use live view with the camera on a tripod with the full 21mp RAW files. I work mainly in black and white for landscapes and so i can select this and make the screen images black and white. I have been away from the landscape for a few years now and this combination has given me the push to make large landscape prints again.

And so you have been telling us all you do not like it for a while now and now you do make you mind up.

I am reading other reports on the camera and they seem to think the same as me. The camera as been over hyped you can not even get a battery for them from jessops at the moment as they are limited. The battery grips are all on back order.....I COULD GO ON ON ON the auto focus has problems AND ON AND ON. but it is like and old view camera to me now. Very high resolution, good to use with the image in live view.

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