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Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Canon 24-105 IS Review

The canon 24-105 F4 zoom lens does not seem to be used by allot of pro photographers, they go for the 24-70/ 2.8. I have never been one for following the crowd andso I bought this one. I can not compare the image quality to the 24-70 / 2.8 but I can tell you why I use it. I use the Canon 5D and this great lens 24-105 Is because I love it. I found I use the upper ranges of this by checking the metadata for my images. I encourage you to do the same to see what focal lenghts you use the most. I use the 70-105 part of this lens allot for weddings and if I bought the 24-70 I would lose these focal lenghts. You could argue use a telephoto lens for this range. fair enough. I find I can use to 24-105 at F4 with image stabiliser switched on in churches at 105 comfortably. What I am trying to say, in allot of words is don't buy a lens because all the pros seem to buy it think about your most used prime lens ranges and when you use them.......Fewww glad I got that off my chest.

Back to the review. This lens has also shot about 33 weddings in all weather conditions and still works fine. touch wood. The image quality has always impressed me and the colours are great from this lens. One thing i will say is distortion can be a problem. I have been using canons software dp pro to correct distortion and it works fine. It is so usefull to be able to use just one camera and one camera body at a wedding without standing out to much. The canon 5d and 24-105 Is allow you to get into the action and stand back at times. I could not shoot weddings without this lens. I crop in camera and try to get everything right in camera to cut down on post production time. This lets me compose focus and take photographs quickly and move on. I would buy one and give it a go......

Visit this page to see the first time i used this lens


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