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Thursday, 19 June 2008

Canon Eos 40D Review 1

I have been using the canon eos 40D for the past three months and six weddings. 1st impressions are good. The cameras best point is a very good autofocus system. I have been tracking subjects in servo mode with the camera and have found it to be spot on every time. I use the 40D with a canon 70-200 IS/ F4 lens and the vertical battery grip. This combination is light weight and it feels like they were made to work together. The 40D has allot of new features that I will explore over the next few months. The Auto ISO mode is O.K but I hope a future 50D makes the range 200-3200. The screen image does not match what you see in front of you and is poor. I only look at the histogram when I am photographing weddings andso this does not effect the way I work. The canon 5D screen is great and the colours are good, I don't know why they got the 40D one wrong. The images from the 40D are very good with nice colour. I set the 5D and the 40D at Neutral and use auto white balance with both cameras. When you import the files into Adobe Lightroom they look very similiar.......

I have just found this image from a couple of weeks ago 1/60th at F4 at 200m at 800 ISO on the 40D. The skin tones from this camera are rearly nice and push the 5D at times. The noise is well controlled and at 800 ISO i never worry about it.....

more later


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