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Saturday, 21 June 2008

Image Quality - Noise

Every camera review seems to talk about noise. As cameras have improved Canon and Nikon have increased the number of pixels on the sensors. This has given them the problem with noise. I like noise as it gives the images a film like quality. I use the Canon 5D at ISO1600 / ISO3200 all the time and convert the images to greyscale in Adobe Lightroom. The images have a different look to the clean 'digital look' of ISO200 images. Some people I talk to never take their Canon 1D Mk 2 off ISO 200 as the dreaded noise will wreck their images. Noise can be good give it a go.....

I attended a wedding yesterday using ISO 1600 all day with no flash. I will post the images soon. I am off to the cotswolds today to attend a wedding and its looking pretty grey out there. The groom gets migrane from flash guns andso I can't use flash. Looks like a Canon eos 5D + 24-105 / ISO 1600 Day........


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